Showing posts with label gosport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gosport. Show all posts

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Day 4 - Gosport to Wissant

Monday 6 October 2014

It was a very windy night and the rain started at about 0700.  After breakfast, we secured for the journey and drove over to fill up with water.  The supplied hose had been joined - very badly! - so filling was difficult.  I was getting wet from the driving rain and from holding the leaking hose together.   Then it was over to empty both waste tanks, thankfully this was less stressful.  We drove to the large Asda in Fareham to fill up with diesel and buy some food and drink.  It was absolutely teeming down and the supermarket was busy so a very wet and hacked off Cathy finally returned to the van.  Goods packed away and Cathy changed, I drove over to Wickes to get some hose clips and some sticky tape to hold down the rear camera screen.

The journey to Folkestone was uneventful, just very wet.  We stopped about half an hour before the tunnel for lunch and I checked all the lockers to make sure we didn't have any English stowaways looking to get over to Pakistan for a free council house and benefits - sadly my cattle prod remain unused, maybe until we return!? We arrived a little over 2 hours ahead of our crossing and so were able to get an earlier crossing free of charge and 1.5 hours ahead of schedule - result!  Cathy had a snooze while I filled out a Form C39 for one day's submarine pay.  Travelling underwater is alien to me, but I didn't have a wash today in preparation.

Half an hour later and after resting our eyes on the bed we arrived in Calais.  Cathy did see one illegal skulking as we left the tunnel port but unfortunately he was out of cattle-prod range. Our passports were checked in Folkestone so we drove straight out on to the A16 and 20 minutes later were parked up on the free Aire at Wissant.  It was still raining quite heavily and looks set in for the night, so we stayed in and cooked garlic chicken with rice, plus a cheeky G&T and glass of wine to get us in the holiday mood. The wine was from Dave & Lesley, called Santa Caterina - thanks both!  So day one en France is here already and today's flown past.  But we don't want to rush about so we'll rest up tonight and hit the road early tomorrow morning, heading along the coast for our next stop, wherever that may be.  Let's hope the weather clears up, if not we may need to sprint south to find some sunshine.

Monday 6 October 2014

Day 3 - Gosport

Sunday 5 October 2014

We both slept really well. I was up first (as usual!) made a wet and breakfast, then changed into my cycling gear ready for Ray to arrive at 1000.  He'd dried my wet cycling gear overnight, so shoes, helmet and gloves on, we headed off into the warm sunshine.  We did our normal route, but this time road along Lee seafront, then took the Haven route to Titchfield.  With our usual loo stop in Warsash we were soon on our way back towards Lee.  When I was preparing my bike this morning, I noticed the rear tyre wall was bulging, so I popped in to Solent Cycles on the seafront to buy a new one - eye wateringly expensive but needs must.  We had a coffee and bacon sarnie sat outside the Bluey in the sunshine before cycling back to Rays to change the tyre and clean the bikes.  Back at the campsite I locked the bike back into the rack and showered and changed, we chilled out ready for Ray and Julie to pick us up later to go out to the Bun Penny for dinner.

The Bun Penny was as good as always. I had a Caesar Salad, Cathy had chicken & mushroom pie, Julie a roast beef dinner and Ray scampi & chips. We even all had a pudding.  It was lovely to spend time with them and we're now back in the van listening to some music.  The sun will be setting shortly and I don't think it'll be too long before we turn in, ready for out trip to France tomorrow.

One final note, Cathy forgot to pack our Myrtle's Mates Mug - it's all her fault.  So we now have to complete a number of tasks to avoid the Myrtle's Walk of Shame.  Our first task is to spell out 'Myrtle' as large as possible in whatever form - could be interesting!

Sunday 5 October 2014

Day 2 - Gosport

Saturday 4 October 2014

I woke with a stinking red wine hangover!  I got up early to have plenty of time to prep for my bike ride with Ray.  Then made a wet for us both and some toast for me - I managed to eat one piece.  It had been quite windy overnight and was cloudy this morning but quite warm. The cloud was lifting so I thought the threat of rain might have missed us. Cathy was meeting up with Julie later for breakfast at The Cabin by the beach, so I left her in bed.

I headed off to Ray's grateful for some fresh air and arrived at his house, banging loudly on their front door for a long time to make sure he and Julie were up.  I could hear her swearing at me from within - just like the old days.  All set up, we headed off on our 20 mile route that would take us through Stubbington, Titchfield and Warsash.  Just a few minutes in the wind picked up and rain started - and did it rain! We sheltered from the worst but were still soon soaked to the skin with our shoes squelching.  Hangover? - what hangover!  We stopped off at Warsash to use the loo and make use of the hand dryer to warm up a bit!  Thankfully the rain had now stopped so we had a decent run along the coast and Lee seafront to our usual coffee stop at the Bluebird CafĂ© - the 'Bluey'.  Two lattes and a twin helped revive us we we sat in there dripping and steaming!  It had started to rain again so the run back the the campsite was ridden as fast as we could.  Back at the campsite the hot shower was very welcome. Ray drove over about an hour later to take all my wet gear home to dry it overnight as we plan to go out again tomorrow morning - hopefully this time in sunshine.

A short while later our good friends Jane & Ron turned up for a wet and a chat.  Jane has just had a full knee replacement so getting up into the van was interesting for her, but we were soon settled with a cup of tea and the iced buns they brought. It was good to catch up; they have just become grandparents for the second time, this time a little boy and were looking forward to meeting him for the first time tomorrow. An hour later our son Chris arrived to pick up some belongings we'd brought down for him, so the kettle went on again.  After they'd all left we took a walk down the Bay in the sunshine (the rain was well gone and sun was out). There was a windsurfing competition and so loads of campervans parked on the grass by the sailing club, with a great view over the Solent to the Isle of Wight - very lucky!

Back at the van we had a quick turnaround then walked down the The Old Ship on Lee on Solent seafront  ( seeing a beautiful orange sunset), where we met Chris. Dinner was the usual deep fried or microwaved stuff you get in these 'Sizzling' pubs then out friends Chris & Michelle turned up - they live just about 2 minutes walk from the pub. We had a good catch up but soon it was 2230 and we were flagging, so we said our goodbyes and Chris dropped us off at the campsite.  It was a clear and very chilly night and we slept well.

Ready for our spin - before the rain

Windsurfers looking like leaf-cutter ants

Sunset over the sea at Lee as we walk to the Old Ship Inn

Saturday 4 October 2014

Day 1 - trek to the Coast

Friday 3 October 2014: Barnton to Gosport

We both had haircuts first thing, although mine took a little less time than Cathy's!  We'd already loaded most of our things in the van the night before, so we drove down to fetch it and bring it home to finish off the packing plus, most importantly, put my bike on the rack. With everything secured we were off.

We expected a long journey on a Friday, but 7.5 hours was a bit much.  Accidents on the M6, M42 and M3 meant loads of time sitting in queues of traffic, which was a shame given it was a sunny day and 21`. With the M3 completely closed we sat on the bottom end of the A34 before cutting across country and finally reaching the Kingfisher campsite in Gosport, next to the beach.  I checked us in and we pitched up, hooked up and went off for a walk along Stokes Bay.  Despite being dark and a bit breezy it was very warm - t-shirt weather. Not bad for October.  We walked down to the Pebbles Bistro, right on the beach to see if we could blag a table. All were booked but as we stood at the bar with a glass of wine, a couple paid up and left, so we were OK after all.  We used to live opposite Pebbles, just a short walk from the beach so have been in there several times over the years. The menu is mainly seafood based; Cathy had swordfish and I had garlic prawns.  Fed and well watered we walked back along the seafront to the van and our first night's sleep of the holiday.

Most important item packed - the bike!

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Busy weekend in Gosport

We were down in Gosport last weekend.  It was lovely to see Ann & Brian on Friday and a shame that we couldn't stay longer.  Thanks for the (early) birthday present, the Winter Tonic and the seeds and we hope you have a chance to come up and stay with us soon.  We really should try the yoga lessons over Skype!  We also hope you enjoyed your weekend in Cardiff (and Happy Birthday to Brian on the Saturday).

It was also fun to see Jambo (and Mr J-P) on Friday night - it's a shame Jambo can't read texts as I'm sure she would have realised Ray and I were in The Old Ship, whereas she and Mr J-P were in the Bun Penny!  This was soon resolved and I enjoyed the odd pint or three of Type 42.  Cathy also enjoyed meeting up with the 'Littlewood's Coven' in the Castle Tavern to celebrate Nora's birthday.

On Saturday we had breakfast at the Bayside Cabin on Stokes Bay and then had a walk along the Bay up to Gilkicker Point; we were interested to see how the new apartments were progressing.  But apart from cutting down a few trees and bushes very little had changed.  Then we popped over to Denvilles to meet up with Jane & Ron, the new (and proud) grandparents of Jasmine. She is a lovely baby and very much at home with Grandma and Grandad.

Heading back to Gosport it was a quick change and off to Gunwharf for something to eat.  We thought the Marshman's should try 'something spicy' so we ended up in Wagamama - hopefully it didn't upset their constitution too much!  Heading back to the ferry we bumped into Paul Fudge, good to see him looking so well and happy.

Early on Sunday morning Ray headed off early for his first TT of the year and after breakfast we headed off to pick up Chris (and all his stuff) to stay with us for a couple of weeks until he joins the Army.  It was a good job I booked an estate hire car as he had more stuff then I remembered!  On the way out we stopped off at J-P Towers to see Jambo (plus Chris & Michelle) for a welcome cup of tea and chat before hitting the road North.

It was a very quick and busy but fun-filled weekend and we'll be heading back later this year for birthday & wedding celebrations, plus hopefully a spin around the New Forest in the Rattler.  Thanks again Ray & Julie for putting up with us and we look forward to meeting up with all our south coast friends again soon.

Stokes Bay - chilly but relaxing walk

'Something Spicy' for the weekend!?

I'm NOT eating that!!

Ray or a Basking Shark?

Tucking In

Tall Ship Challenge yachts at Gunwharf Quays

Spinnaker Tower at night

Monkey Hugs!

The tongue is out!

Deep in conversation - must be about cycling

There's that tongue again!